What are the 10 Accomplishments of Character™
Do you believe that success in your child means more than ‘a successful career later on in life’? We understand that true fulfilment goes beyond material possessions or societal status. Instead, it hinges on the development of character – the essence of who we are and how we navigate the world.
Introducing the "10 Accomplishments of Character™," a guiding framework that defines success for children based on the following profound accomplishments:
1. Self-Confidence
They are self-assured and independent, and can tackle challenges on their own; they have the courage to stand up for themselves and what they believe in.
2. Persistence
They demonstrate tenacity and grit when solving problems or learning new skills; they do not give up easily when confronted with obstacles and handle failure with confidence.
3. Maturity
Their conduct is characterised by prudence and thoughtfulness for others; they tell the truth, keep their promises, and accept personal responsibility for the consequences of their words and deeds.
4. Grace
They are modest in success and acknowledge the efforts of those less fortunate than themselves; they are cheerful in defeat.
5. Respect
They respect themselves as well as others, and they promote the rights of others as well as their own; they are courteous and apologise when they are in the wrong.
6. Emotional Control
They manage their feelings to enhance their experience of happiness and contentment while minimising negative emotions including anger, anxiety, depression, envy, jealousy and resentment.
7. Positive Identity
They have a strong sense of who they are, of being a person in their own right, which is reflected in powerful feelings of personal control. They have clear values which they use to think for themselves, act with integrity and decide independently, even in the face of criticism.
8. Competence
They pursue personal and professional activities that are meaningful and rewarding and provide a lifelong experience of mastery and competence.
9. Empathy
They understand and respond to the feelings of others; they develop strong friendships and lasting relationships – most importantly with an intimate partner – characterised by love, respect, trust, and empathy.
10. Resilience
They manage hardship and disappointment without losing confidence in themselves, the love of those close to them, or a firm belief that success and happiness are achievable. They use failure as a spur for improvement, not a reason for despair; in a word, they are resilient.
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